
วันเสาร์ที่ 30 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552

miriam's InTroduction

Dr.miriam stoppard
guide book for
The other day I was thinking abot that classic Frank Sinatra song It Was a Very Good Year. The singer is an old man looking back on his youthful years,his best years ,the very good years

guide book for Dr.Miriam
Spine-tingling though it is'it 's an old-fashioned view of our middle years and the last quarter of our lives. This isn't a time for pining about lost vigour or reverberating old conquests-professional ,personal and romantic. EVERY year can be a very good year this book tells you how.
guide book

Nowadays we're still full of spirit and promise.
guide book for

There are new vistas open to us,fresh fields to conquer and many more years of life to be lived to the full. We have spending power,wisdom,experience and we know who we are. The scene is set to enjoy life as never before.And we can,with a little planning,a little effort'a little knowledge and a little common sense.I've tried in this book to give you some suggestions about planning and some pointers as to where you should.
guide book

The scene is set to enjoy life as never before
Dr.miriam stoppard
guide book for

