
วันศุกร์ที่ 7 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2557

Year of life and fitness

Years of life and fitness (life and health)

Granted some aspects of health require long range planning to be free of illnesses that make us old.I'm thinking here specifically of warding off osteoporosis ,life and health brittle bones,which,without a modicum of planning will affect almost all women after the menopause and men too in their seventies and eighties.

life and health

If you're reading this book in your fifties it's too late for the long range planning:to pre-empt osteoporosis you have to maximize peak bone mass with weight bearing exercise before you reach 35.

life and fitness

But it's not too late to keep your bones healthy and strong.All you need to do is spend an hour a day on your feet-walking, gardening,dancing,life and health doing t'ai chi or housework. gardening,dancing,life and health doing t'ai chi or housework.Women who do this once a week have less osteoporosis than women who don't exercise at all,women who exercise twice a week have less than life and health

woman who exercise only once a week and so on...It's the same for most diseases we associate with age-very small changes in lifestyle can protect against high blood pressure,heart disease,strokes,Alzheimer's diabetes and cancers.

For we're not programmed to die.There's no "death" gene.We age and fade away by default. We can protect our DNA from some of those "hits",life and health internally with power foods and a diet rich in unrefined carbohydrates and externally by avoiding smoking ,sun and pollution.

life and health

